Wild thyme
Wild thyme (or creeping thyme) is a milder version of the variety we know from Southern Europe. Its flavor is subtle but distinctive, and for many it's the taste of summer in Denmark.
Where to Find It
Wild thyme is common in Jutland, north Zealand, and on Bornholm. It grows in dry, sandy soil where there's plenty of sunlight. You'll typically find it in ditches, in sandy areas, or in salt marshes where it can grow in full sun. It can also be found on dry slopes, moors, and rock faces.
Salt marshes, roadsides, grasslands.
When to Find It
You can pick sprigs of wild thyme as early as May, but the flowers won't bloom until June. The season ends in August. Wild thyme is strongest in flavor when flowering, so it can be worth waiting to gather it until you see its purple blossoms begin to form.
Flowers: June, July, August. -
How to Spot It
Wild thyme is a small, branched herb that looks like a miniature version of the thyme you find in the supermarket. It has reddish-brown, woody stems and small, green, oval leaves. Wild thyme develops tiny pinkish or violet flowers that grow in clusters at the top of each stem. It often carpets an area, and when the plant is flowering, it looks like there are big, pink toadstools dotting the landscape.
How to Pick It
Clip the sprigs with a good pair of scissors, but don't cut too far down because it will stop the plant from growing. If you're only going to use the flowers, only clip off the top of the plant.
Entire plant: May, June, July, August.
Risk of misidentifying the plant
There is no risk of mistaking the plant for another dangerous or undesirable plant.